I'm Gill from engVid, and today's lesson is about the little word " the" , and how to say it, how to pronounce it.
You might think: " What? I know how to pronounce that word" , but there are two different ways of pronouncing it, and this lesson is designed to show you how to work out which way to say it.
So, the simple rule is: Before a consonant you say " thuh" , but before a vowel sound you say " thee" .
So it's either " thuh" or " thee" .
So, let me just go through some examples to show you how that works.
So, before a consonant sound: " thuh" . " The banana" , " the dog" , but then we get our first exception, which is confusing because this word begins with an E which is a vowel letter, but the way it's pronounced, it has a " ya" at the beginning: " Ya. European. European" , so we say: " Thuh European" , okay?
the在辅音前发音是“thuh”。比如“香蕉banana”,“狗dog”,但我们来看看第一个特例,因为这个单词以“E”作为“the”之后单词的首字母,“E”是一个元音字母,但在这个单词里它发音为“ya(辅音)”,所以我们发音“thuh European”,明白了吗?
So that's a slight confusion to be aware of.
Continuing on: " The flowers" , " the house" , " the man" , " the people" .
我们继续:"Thuh flowers", "thuh house", "thuh man", "thuh people".
Another exception again because this word begins with a U, which is a vowel letter, but the actual sound when you say this sound is a " ya" , " university" , " university" .
另一个例外,因为这个单词以U开头,U也是一个元音字母,但实际上单词里的U发音“ya”,"University", "University"。
It's not: " university" , it's " university" . So: " thUH university" , okay?
不是 "UNiversity",是 "University",所以我们发音"thuh university",懂了吗?
And finally: " The woman, the woman" .
最后,"The woman, the woman"。
So that's " the" before a consonant sound.
So, let's have a look at the other column.
Before the vowel sound we say " thee" , so: " The apple" , " the elephant" , " the ice cream" , " the orange" , " the umbrella" .
在“the”接元音发音之前,我们说“thee”,所以:"Thee apple", "thee elephant", "thee ice cream",
You can see here " umbrella" also begins with a U, just like " university" , but it's not pronounced: " yumbrella" , it's pronounced: " umbrella" , so: " thee umbrella, the umbrella" .
看这里, "umbrella" 也以U开头,和 "university"一样,但并不发音为"yumbrella",念作 "UMbrella",所以"thee umbrella, thee umbrella"。
And finally, here's another funny one, it begins with an H, so you might think: " Well, that's a consonant" , but it is actually a vowel sound because we don't pronounce the H in this word.
You may know the word " heir" , which we had in another lesson about using " a" and " an" .
The heir is usually, well, male, and the heiress, female; but often the word " heir" is used for female as well nowadays for reasons of equality.
The heir通常指男性继承人,而the heiress指女继承人;但如今 "heir"这个单词,也同样用来指女性继承人了,以显男女平等。
So, but: " the heiress" , " e" , so it's an " e" , " heiress" , so that's a vowel sound, so: " the heiress" .
但 "the heiress",开头发音"e", 所以是元音字母开头发音“e”,所以,“thee heiress”。
So that's another one to remember, along with the " ya" sound here.
So, it's purely the way you say it which decides whether it's " thuh" or " thee" .
纯粹以你的发音来决定是 "thuh" 还是 "thee"。
So now we'll move on to a second screen, 、 and we'll do some sentences for you to work out how to pronounce each time the word " the" or " the" appears, so. . .
Okay, so what I should have said at the end of the last section was the word " heir" and " heiress" , I didn't explain what they meant.
So, if you hadn't seen the other lesson you wouldn't. . .
You might not know that, so " an heir" or " an heiress" is someone who inherits something, often money or property, something like that.
So, okay.
Right, so here is the test for you of how to pronounce the word " t-h-e" : " thuh" or " thee" , and as you can see, we have some sentences here.
And every time the word appears I've underlined it in red just to help you to see it.
So, first sentence: " The ferry crossed the Irish Sea." So, how would you pronounce
So: " thuh" goes before a consonant sound, so " f" is a consonant, so: " Thuh fairy. The fairy crossed" , and what about this one?
所以:“thuh”之后接辅音开头的单词,“f”是辅音,所以是"Thuh fairy。The fairy crossed"。这个呢?
" I" is a vowel sound, so it's " thee Irish Sea, the Irish Sea" .
“I”是元音,所以是“thee Irish Sea, the Irish Sea”。
So: " The fairy crossed the Irish Sea." Okay?
这句话就是 "Thuh fairy crossed thee Irish Sea."懂了吗?
Next one: " The right way is the only way." Okay, so how would you pronounce those two? 、
So, " r" is a consonant, so: " Thuh right way. The right way is" , " only" , that begins with an " o" , which is a vowel, " only" .
“r”是辅音字母,所以发音 "Thuh right way. The right way is","only"以"o"开头, "o"是元音字母。
So: " thee only way. The right way is the only way." Okay?
念作 "thee only way. 正确的道路是唯一的道路" 。明白了吗?
Next one, we have three examples in this sentence,
so: " The answer is at the back of the book." So, what would you do there?
" The answer, the back, the book" , so " answer" begins with " a" , which is a vowel, so it's: " Thee answer. The answer is at" .
"The answer, the back, the book","answer"以元音字母"a"开头,所以发音"Thee answer. The answer is at"。
" Back" and " book" begin with " b" , which is a consonant, so: " Thuh back of thuh book." Okay.
“Back”和“book”以“b”开头,“b”是辅音字母,发音 "Thuh back of thuh book." 。好的。
Next one: " The fire hasn't reached the upper floor" .
" Upper" means at the top of the building, up at the top.
Okay, so: " fire" begins with an " f" , so that's a consonant, so: " thuh fire. The fire hasn't reached" , " upper" begins with " u" which is a vowel sound, so it's: " thee upper floor. The fire hasn't reached the upper floor." Okay. Right. Next one: " The girl felt at home in the empty house."
好的,所以:“fire”以“f”开头,所以这是一个辅音字母,所以:“thuh fire,火势还未蔓延到”,“upper”以“u”开头,这是一个元音字母,所以发音"thee upper floor. The fire hasn't reached the upper floor." 好的。下一个:“那个女孩在空荡荡的房子里感到很自在。”
So if you feel at home, you feel comfortable, you like your surroundings.
So: " girl" begins with " g" which is a consonant, 、 so:" thuh girl. The girl felt at home in" , " empty" begins with " e" which is a vowel, so: " thee empty house. The girl felt at home in the empty house." Okay.
所以:“girl”以“g”开头,这是一个辅音,发音“thuh girl”. 那女孩在…里感到自在。“empty”以“e”开头,这是一个元音,发音: "thee empty house. 那女孩在空房子里感到很自在。" 好的。
Next one: " I will join the union in the morning." So, " union" is a. . .
To do with your profession, for your employment rights and so on, and you pay a subscription to join.
So: " I will join" , " union" begins with a " u" which is a vowel sound, so. . .
Ah, no, hang on.
This is one of those exceptions.
" Yunion" , so. . .
I nearly caught myself out there.
It's a " ya" sound, so: " thuh union" .
这是一个“ya”音,所以发音:“thuh union”。
It's not " thee" onion, because " onion" is a different word altogether, with an " o" , an onion is a vegetable, so this is the union.
而不是"thee onion",因为“onion”是一个整体完全不同的词,以“o”开头,洋葱onion是一种蔬菜,这里我们讲的是工会union。
Okay, so: " I will join thuh union in" , " m" consonant, " thuh morning, the morning" .
好的,所以:“我将加入thuh union",“m”是辅音,“thuh morning,早上”。
So that's a funny little exception, there.
Next one, say you're in a big department store with lots of floors and they have escalators going up and down, and you can't decide which department to go to first, so you're with a friend, you might say: " Shall we take the up escalator or the down escalator? " Okay, so which one would you use?
" Thuh" or " thee" ?
So, before " up" , " up" , letter " u" is a vowel sound, " up" , so it's: " thee up, the up" .
所以,在“up”之前,“up”,字母“u”是一个元音,"up",所以念作:“thee up,向上”。
" Shall we take the up escalator or" , then before " down" , " d" is a consonant, so: " thuh, the down escalator" .
“我们该乘上行扶梯还是”,之后是"down",“d”是一个辅音,所以发音“thuh down,下行扶梯”。
And then finally, here's another one, a little exception because there's an " h" here, which is not pronounced.
So the word " honour" , " honourable" , it sounds like an " o" , we don't pronounce the " h" , so: " It's the honourable thing to do."
Which? Which would you use there?
Okay, so: " It's thee honourable" , this one. " . . . the honourable thing to do" .
好的,所以念作"It's thee honourable",“…值得尊敬的事。”
Okay, so I'm sure you got those all right, and we also have a quiz for you to test that a little bit further on the see how many points you can get.
And see you again soon.
Bye for now.
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