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2024-01-28 20:04 来源:空喊网 点击:


急求《I am sam》影评(英语)

I know that title isn't very descriptive, but all I could say for awhile after watching I Am Sam was, "Wow!" Although that's a positive endorsement of the film--it's rare that a film has me basically speechless afterward (I usually suffer from logorrhea, which sounds close enough to diarrhea that you could call it (verbal) flatulence instead if you like)--it turned out to be quite a problem, because we went to dinner right afterward and I had to give a lecture. I believe I was served some kind of raw beef, and I have an exorbitant dry cleaning bill from the tomatoes and rotten eggs.

But I won't bill director/co-writer Jessie Nelson, because it's not her fault that her film is so powerful and so stunningly constructed that it made me monosyllabic. I can only blame myself for putting off watching her work for so long.

I Am Sam begins with Sam Dawson (Sean Penn) at his job. He lives in Santa Monica and works at Starbucks. We can see that he's mentally retarded. He appears slightly autistic. Because of this, he's given only menial tasks to do. Suddenly, his boss tells him that he has to go. We see Sam running through the streets, catching buses and so on to end up at a hospital. A woman is in labor and it turns out that he's the father, but she wants nothing to do with him afterward--apparently, it was something like a one night stand. She abandons him with the baby. Aided by a quartet of developmentally disabled friends and his agoraphobic neighbor, Annie Cassell (Dianne Wiest), we see Sam doing his best to raise the girl, Lucy Diamond Dawson (eventually played by Dakota Fanning)--so named because Sam is a big Beatles fan. At least until he is "accidentally arrested". Government officials question his ability to raise his daughter, and I Am Sam becomes the tale of Sam's legal battle to retain custody of Lucy, aided by high profile lawyer Rita Harrison (Michelle Pfeiffer).

I Am Sam will likely make you say, "Wow!" afterward because it is a masterpiece on every artistic and technical level.

All of the major cast members give one of the best performances of their careers, and many of these actors have had a number of artistic triumphs on their résumés. Sean Penn is completely natural and believable as a developmentally disabled man. Two of the men playing his friends really were developmentally disabled, having been found at L.A. Goal, a non-profit agency dedicated to helping such people through a variety of programs, and it's next to impossible to tell them apart from the other actors. Nelson and her co-writer, Kristine Johnson, spent a lot of time at L.A. Goal doing research, as did Penn. Pfeiffer perfectly executes a complex character who has to undergo a number of far reaching transformations and even a breakdown of sorts. As for Fanning, I haven't seen her in a film yet where she didn't threaten to steal the whole thing from her senior, much more experienced colleagues, and during the filming of I Am Sam she was only 6 or 7. Wiest, Richard Schiff, Laura Dern and others also turn in very complex performances that convey characters with deep, multifaceted histories, despite their relatively little screen time.

Nelson approaches the film with a number of unusual artistic and technical angles that all work wonderfully. The cinematography is mostly hand-held work. Unlike similar attempts in films such as Lars Von Trier's Dogville (2003), the hand-held work never feels affected or intrusive here--it's completely "organic". The most common purpose of the unusual cinematography is to give the viewer almost a subjective sense of what it's like to be Sam, to experience the world in the way he does. Cinematographer Elliot Davis moves his camera in a way closely mirrored with Sean Penn's movements. There's an additional emotional symbolism. When Sam is feeling agitated, the camera-work is agitated. Likewise when Sam is confused, pensive, and so on. Davis shoots from a lot of unusual angles. All of them work.

电影《I am Sam》观后感

电影《我是山姆(I am Sam)》由杰茜·尼尔森执导,由西恩·潘等主演,讲述了一个智商只有相当于七岁孩童的父亲Sam(弱智患者),依靠一份星巴克咖啡店的杂工,决心要与有关当局争夺女儿抚养权以及期间发生的动人故事。影片还加入了许多由歌星翻唱的披头士歌曲,让喜欢披头士的歌迷有了别样的温馨。

看完电影,让我最大的感触是——即使一个人患有轻度智障,但仍可以拥有爱他人的权利,即使生活拮据,患有智障,心智如七岁小孩的父亲Sam,也可以战胜一切正常的优秀寄养者,可以给露西需要的父爱,安全感。Sam的勇敢,坚持与大爱让敬佩感在心底油然而生,同时,也让我认识了患有轻度智障的人的生活与思想,拓宽了我的认知——患有轻度智障的人是可以独立生活并且可以带给家人爱, 给身边的人带去幸福与启迪的。

强烈推荐给想提高英语听力的朋友,因为这部电影不仅好看,而且语速缓慢,词句简单,连四级听力都没过的我,看起来都蛮顺畅的(๑>ڡ<) (暴露了我的level( ˃̶̤́ ꒳ ˂̶̤̀ ))

I am Sam 简介


【原 片 名】I Am Sam

【中 文 名】他不笨他是我爸爸(台)/不一样的爸爸(港)/我是山姆(其他)



【IMDB评分】7.2/10 (5,608 votes)

【国  家】美国

【类 型】剧情

【分 级】阿根廷:13/巴西ivre/芬兰/法国:U/德国:6/香港:IIA/荷兰:AL/秘鲁:14/韩国:12/西班牙:7/瑞典:7/瑞士:10/瑞士:10/瑞士:12/英国:12/美国G-13

【导 演】Jessie Nelson

【编 剧】Kristine Johnson

Jessie Nelson

【主  演】肖恩 佩恩 (Sean Penn) ...... Sam Dawson

米切尔 法伊弗 (Michelle Pfeiffer) ...... Rita Harrison

Dakota Fanning ...... Lucy Diamond Dawson

黛安娜 威斯特 (Dianne Wiest) ...... Annie Cassell

洛雷塔 迪瓦恩 (Loretta Devine) ...... Margaret Calgrove

理查德 希夫 (Richard Schiff) ...... Turner

劳拉 德恩 (Laura Dern) ...... Randy Carpenter

Brad Silverman ...... Brad

Joseph Rosenberg ...... Joe

Stanley DeSantis ...... Robert

德 赫治臣 (Doug Hutchison) ...... Ifty

赵家玲 (Rosalind Chao) ...... Lily

Ken Jenkins ...... Judge Philip McNeily

Wendy Phillips ...... Miss Wright

Mason Lucero ...... Conner Rhodes


森 (肖恩 佩恩 饰),智商只得七岁,出于一份与生俱来的父爱,依靠一份咖啡店的杂工,决心要独力把女儿抚养成人。可惜,时间不容人,露丝踏入七岁起,便开始意识到自己的智商逐渐超越父亲的界限。不幸地,露丝的家庭问题终于被社工发现,有关当局认为森并无足够能力照顾女儿,更下令露丝马上搬到儿童中心等待收养;结果,露丝很快便被安排到新的领养家庭。誓要夺回女儿抚养权的森,一厢情愿地以为找全城数一数二的大律师丽泰(米切尔 法伊弗饰)便可打赢官司,可惜,丽泰从来只对大案有兴趣……

i am sam改为同义句

同义句:Sam,it's me。意思是:山姆是我。








lie to me别对我撒谎;别对我说谎;千谎百计;别对我扯谎。



Let me see.


They paid me the princely sum of USD5000.

